April Scallop Seed Move

Bay Scallop Seed Management Project

Six days of moving scallop seed in Madaket Harbor (April 12-22)

1,100 bushels moved in Madaket

55 bushels moved to Town

Scallop Seed Move Overview

  • A large amount of scallop seed was identified in Madaket Harbor in fall 2021. 

  • The NSA and NRD had two separate monitoring trips in February and March 2022 to assess seed amount, congestion, size, and health.

  • It was determined that scallop seed on the edge of the channel were most vulnerable and in most need of relocation.

  • Over 6 days, 10 boats worked from the channel inwards to dredge scallop seed and move to targeted relocation sites: Warren’s Landing, Esther Island, Tuckernuck, and Eel Point. 

  • On the final day, 55 bushels were moved to town to several sites: Hussey, Pimneys, middle ground, and Shimmo. Five bushels were also placed in the protected eelgrass restoration area. 

The view from the boat: juvenile scallops were incredibly thick in specific areas of Madaket Harbor. The last dredge was just as full as the first!

Follow-up and Monitoring

  • The NSA and NRD will work together to monitor all sites, including where scallop seed was moved from. 

  • Buoys were supplied by the NRD for scallopers to mark relocation sites.

  • Biweekly monitoring will include surface and bottom temperatures, dissolved oxygen, size measurements, and visual monitoring, including dive surveys. 

  • Seed moved to Town will offer a comparison of seed health and survivability vs those in Madaket Harbor. 

  • Scallop seed in the protected eelgrass restoration site with the goal of being in a thriving habitat to spawn this summer and grow to full size. If so, this will help support decisions for future eelgrass restoration efforts.

Samantha Denette, Bruce Cowan, Tom Montgomery

Fishery Management

  • This is the first proactive seed management project by the NSA and NRD. 

  • It will influence fishery management strategies, such as moving seed in October when temps are lowering vs April when temps are rising, moving seed between harbors, etc.

Thank you

Local bay scallop fishermen Bruce Cowan, Mark & Manny Souza, Bruce Beebe, Carl Sjolund, Bobby & Ray Decosta, Jon Holdgate, Bill & Adam Spencer, John Logan, Head of the Fishermen's Council Tom Montgomery, and our Executive Director Samantha Denette


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