2022 New Board Members

Chris Sleeper

What do you do for work on island?

I am one of three owners at Pip & Anchor. Nantucket's new all local food hub.

Why did you get involved with the NSA?

I am on a mission to do whatever I can in our community to help create a better and more sustainable food system. Shellfish are a huge part of the food system and ecosystem here on Nantucket, so I want to be a part of better solutions for the future.

What are you most looking forward to working on?

I look forward to creating an example of what a healthy harbor can do for the environment and the community. If we can be that example, our work can expand to other communities around the country and the world.

What is your favorite way to enjoy Nantucket's shellfish?

I love nothing more than standing around a big pot of steamers with friends or family. Making a mess, enjoying local soft shelled clams, and having a couple beers is my idea of a perfect afternoon or evening.

Thaïs Fournier

What do you do for work on island?

I work at the Natural Resources Department as their Water Resource Specialist

Why did you get involved with the NSA?

As water quality is an integral part of shellfish survival, I felt it imperative to support NSA in their initiative to protect water quality and shellfish resources.

What are you most looking forward to working on?

Ways to improve water quality that will benefit not only shellfish, but other aquatic plants and animals (and humans too).

What is your favorite way to enjoy Nantucket's shellfish?


Kevin Ramos

What do you do for work on island?

I'm a Firefighter and EMT with the Nantucket Fire Department.

Why did you get involved with the NSA?

I grew up on Nantucket, fishing and shellfishing my whole life. I know how important the bay scallops are and that the future of the eelgrass is in jeopardy. I want to do what I can to help.

What are you most looking forward to working on?

Assisting in any way I can! Especially educating the community and getting more people to realize the importance of a healthy harbor.

What is your favorite way to enjoy Nantucket's shellfish?

Raw, at the shucking table, after a good day of diving!


Looking Back in Time with Eddie Stojak


Fishermen’s Council 2022 Kickoff